Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Post # 1- Fate

I think that your own fate is completely up to you based on the decisions that you make with all of the responsibilities and consequences that come with that decision. For instance, if you decide to eat at a place in a not so respectable part of town and there is a voice in your head telling you that it doesn't seem like a good idea, and you are walking back to the bus stop, your car or whatever, and you get your purse or wallet stolen or if you get mugged, that is mostly your own fault because you didn't have to eat there, and you should gone with your better judgment and stayed away and gone to somewhere safer in a better lit and more populated place rather than eat at aforementioned questionable eatery.  Your fate is is your own hands and whether or not you listen to that little voice and have a safe, natural experience with fate that allows you to continue on the path to a different one later, or come crashing headfirst into a new direction that may impact you for the rest of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts on fate, Caitlin. Overall, your first blog is a success. I would urge you to read your posts out loud before you publish them in order to avoid awkward sentence-structure. Also, avoid the blue text - hard for me to read on the black background. Good job!
